Christ is with the Least of These

I am sharing some Christmas thoughts with you all today. May we root our faith in Christ in liberation for the collective, coming alongside those the world has discarded and see them as God sees us, with eyes of love.

I mourn the silence in many church spaces as we witness, in real time, active genocide of the Palestinian people. I grieve with Palestinian and Israeli families who have lost loved ones, and still cry out for the return of their beloveds who are held hostage. And I mourn the ways some ministers urge us to “give it to God,” and do nothing here and now to raise our voices.

Now is not the time for empty proclamations of peace as Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus is targeted, but deep SOULADARITY, a term my friend Jenn @chroniclyconnectedperspective shared with me after attending a webinar which lifted up ways we can all show up to oppose genocide in Palestine.

Her words reminded me of what Howard Thurman wrote in Jesus and the
: “It cannot be denied that too often the weight of the Christian movement has been on the side of the strong and the powerful and against the weak and oppressed - this despite the gospel.”

May we root ourselves, ever more deeply, in the radical love of Christ.


Let’s Stop Sanitizing King


Honoring Resilience —Garifuna Settlement Day