(Season 3, Ep. 11): REWIND: Author Avril Somerville, Jesus Stood with the Marginalized

We're taking it back this week to a powerful conversation from Season 1 with writer, activist and faith warrior Avril Somerville. Born in the Commonwealth of Dominica, Somerville writes at the intersection of identity, community and love. She is the author of A Journey of Life on Purpose, a book of personal essays and poetry, and a forthcoming novel. 

She is also an English teacher, wife and mother of three who lives in Pennsylvania. Avril is excited about her independent micro-press, SomerEmpress Publishing, Inc., and looks forward to publishing transformative literature of other gifted women writers of color.

In this episode, we dive into:

- The power of our words, and how understanding this helps us walk in liberation. 

- Seeing ourselves as deeply connected to those around us, especially the most marginalized, understanding Jesus stood for justice (Matthew 25:40 and Amos 5:24). 

- Why mindfulness, really being present and grounded in God and our faith, is vital.

- Realizing activism takes many shapes and forms; if you are not able to be on the front lines, you can still show up and serve. Avril says: "Use your gifts, where you are, to tap into your purpose."

- God has designed us for intimacy, the act of sitting down and beholding one another. We must not allow technology to strip this away from our consciousness. 

- Avril's own creative journey and sources of inspiration.

Stay in Touch with Avril Somerville:


IG: @somerempress 

Twitter: @somerempress 

Show edited by my talented husband Keston De Coteau (videographer,  photographer and editor) www.keston.online 


(Season 3, Ep. 12) Prayer + Mental Health Awareness with Dr. Angela L. Harris


(Season 3. Ep. 10) Kevin Nye, Writer & Advocate for people experiencing homelessness.