(Season 3. Ep. 10) Kevin Nye, Writer & Advocate for people experiencing homelessness.

What does it mean for us to see Jesus in the faces of folks experiencing homelessness? We chatted with writer Kevin Nye, who works in advocacy and homeless services. He is the author of the forthcoming book: Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness.  He also writes on the intersections of theology, justice and equity, and pop culture.

We discussed - 

- How he felt God calling him beyond the pew and into the streets. 

- The urgency of moving from a savior complex as progressives and Christians when showing up to be of service to unhoused folks. 

- Calling on churches to see unhoused folks as neighbors, part of their community. 

- Lessons from the award-winning film, Nomadland, including our perception of what "homelessness looks like," various ways people experiencing homelessness build community, cultivate resilence, joy and more. 

- Stay connected with Kevin's work here. You can also follow him on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. You can donate to the organization Kevin works for (The Center in Hollywood), and learn more about their work here

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Pray with our Feet podcast is produced by Keston De Coteau, award-winnning videographer, photographer and founder of Keystone Productions.


(Season 3, Ep. 11): REWIND: Author Avril Somerville, Jesus Stood with the Marginalized


(Season 3. Ep. 9) Talking Visual Art, Children's Ministry and Anti-Racism with Sheila Whittenberg.